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Taken 28-Apr-18
Visitors 7

48 of 50 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions1192 x 1788
Original file size548 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date taken28-Apr-18 14:45
Date modified4-Jun-18 12:18
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeSONY
Camera modelILCE-7M2
Max lens aperturef/1
Exposure1/40 at f/NA
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 160
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Moss 2885-91 lum2

Moss 2885-91 lum2

Layered moss on a tree.

The University of Hawaiiʻs The Harold L. Lyon Arboretum is nestled in 193.5 acres of tropical rain forest at the top of the Manoa Valley watershed. Just 5 miles from the bustle of Waikiki, Lyon Arboretum serves as a cultural and scientific resource to urban O’ahu’s diverse communities. With over 5,000 taxa of tropical and sub-tropical plants to be found throughout our grounds, over seven miles of hiking trails, and an elevation gradient that starts at 450 feet and rises to 1850 feet above sea level, the Lyon Arboretum has much to offer to all.